We’re frequently asked about the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES),
and whether they apply in a particular case.
MEES applies to EPCs for rental properties and not, in theory, to EPCs for properties that are for sale. That said, mortgage lenders are very risk-adverse and
often refuse to lend on a property that cannot be rented.
The current MEES requirement for both Domestic and Commercial properties to
be rented is an EPC E-rating.
For Domestic properties, the Government has “committed to look at a long term
trajectory to improve the energy performance standards of privately rented
homes in England and Wales, with the aim for as many of them as possible to be
upgraded to EPC Band C by 2030, where practical, cost-effective and affordable”.
For Commercial properties, this E-rating applies to all leases, whether new or a
continuation as of 1 st April 2023. Going forward, the Government still have a
“future trajectory for the non-domestic minimum energy efficiency standards
(MEES) will be EPC B by 2030”. What is unclear, following the Prime Minister’s
speech on 20 th September 2023, is whether there will still be interim targets of a
C-rating by 2025 (for new leases) or 2028 (for existing leases).
It seems unlikely that that the 2030 objective of a B-rating will be met without
some interim targets and many landlords and agents are already looking to
achieve a C-rating for their properties if this is feasible.